Monday, May 4, 2009

Stop raining.


I drank too much Iced Tea Crystal Lite.
I am too tired to be at work.
I really want a foot rub.
I have roses on my desk from a really considerate candidate who is now my client.
I miss my husband.
I miss Seamus.
I have bills to pay.
I need a bikini wax.
I have insanely curly hair due to the Title of this blog.
I am experiencing aggressive allergies.
I love pharm animals.
Yes that was a play on words.
I made a roast pork shoulder last night and it was awesome.
I JUST got done dealing with my email after taking two days off.
I wish it was 4:52 p.m. and not 3:52 p.m.
I have a Corona tunic on my bottle of water.
I am going to wear a facemask in honor of Cinco de Mayo tomorrow.
I know that is mean.

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