Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Much better.

So, last night I went home and made myself a huge pasta dish, which made me feel much better. It has been raining in Philadelphia since Sunday, and I seriously want to cry. If the sun doesn't come out tomorrow, I don't know if I will get out of bed (let alone get to the gym...yeesh!).
Deepak thinks he broke his leg at the concert...he may have...he took us all out a few times when he back and hips are still freaking killing me.
Republica just came on the radio. Do you remember them? Baby I'm standing on the roof top, shouting out, baby I'm ready to goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Anyway, today is much busier than yesterday, which is good. Seamus has been stepping on the vent next to the back door and has somehow been getting his nail/paw stuck in the slats. This morning it happening again and we felt so awful. After we get paid (less than 24 hours, thank the Good Lord), we'll head to Home Depot to get a new covering.
Alrighty, that's all from here in beautiful Philadelphia.

1 comment:

Joe said...

I like it when you post, it's funny. Time to link you. Will you link me?