Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So, Fall arrives, and we have the hottest effing day of the month. I mean really. 90 degree? It's the end of September folks. I'm ready for a sweater.
House premiered last night and it was freaking awesome - I seriously love that show, and it is rare for me so consistently follow a show. I stumbled onto it when I was a resident assistant over one holiday break a few years ago and still on co-op (read: I did not get any "Winter Vacations" in college...weak). I was studying for, get this, my GMAT so I could complete my acceptance into Drexel's MBA I am sure you can tell, my life has taken a slightly different route.
That whole sigmoidoscopy thing is commencing on Friday - brand new I'm going to say, "Hi Doctor K., so nice to meet the ol' colon looking??" AWKWARD.
My dog ate the fucking front mat AGAIN. We went through like 10, he ate them all, then we found one that he liked, and now...ONE YEAR LATER...he eats the motherfucker.
Then he looks at JR and wants a piece of we're going to give you bread when you have a belly full of fucking welcome mat. For fuck's sake, Moo.

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