Tuesday, October 2, 2007

You can fuck right off.

I pulled the plug on the whole position open in Wilmington - they no-showed on a phone conference that was set up, barely apologized, and then expected me to extend an pre-existing appointment with them for today so I can have the opportunity to talk to the people who blew me off on Friday. Right. I was supposed to call in at noon, but when I got the email after my staff meeting today saying that the appointment will now be one hour, I had had it. I sent an email (because clearly no one knows how to pick up the phone...) and "I'm withdrawing from the process, best of luck in your search."
Of course my Mom is all bummed because if I had taken the position, I would have come down immediately, but I would also want to shoot myself because their behavior is the exact reason I left Lockheed Martin - no one is accountable and everyone is incompetent. I mean, really, three phone interviews to ask me the same questions? And then to NO SHOW on a conference call? That was so unbelievable rude - especially when my point of contact said in the email, "Jeff left you a voicemail." Oh, um, I'm sorry...what part of PROCEDURE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, and COMPLETELY UNAVAILABLE didn't you get? I may be young, but I refuse to be pushed around. If this is how they treat people they are courting (i.e., enticing to join their company), imagine how they treat their employees - NO THANK YOU!!!
On another note, referencing the above procedure - it was nothing major on Friday - just making sure no crazy problems...but I have been feeling horrendous and didn't go to work yesterday because my stomach was twisting so severely. Today is a little better, but I am exhausted and feeling pukish (my new term for nauseous...like it?). I really need to get more placements...like ASAP so I can get some commission dollars - I need to pay off that credit card...carrying like (eek!) 1k on that, and of course, there is always Moo and his hips, the house, JR and his hips. I just want to die.


Joe said...

Don't die. That would make Seamus and I VERY sad.

prin said...

(more hugs)